Monday, June 16, 2014

What the 'Trek?

Ok, a couple of important and interesting (yeah in my dreams) things today folks...

The wars continue... The ornamental peas have been subdued (Ok, after clearing the ones around the roses I got really happy on the others with the string trimmer!). We have moved on to one of the classic enemies, spiders. They  love to come in in the spring and fall, and find places they like to stay in the basement and stairwell (note: most of them have the sense to stay out of the active workshop area, but less active spots are nice terrain for them). So I have taken to using glue traps...

And some of the spiders have taken to attacking other spiders stuck in the glue traps... Apparently I've brought the La Brea Tar Pits with me and the spiders think they're saber tooth tigers!

They are definitely trying to impersonate LA traffic (actually I was singing while working in the basement (everyone (and everything!) is a critic)).

Second item... As I mentioned last week I started a new blog. Unlike last week, I'm thinking I might put some thinky stuff in this one still as the mood strikes me. The new blog is meant to be a more professional blog for me as a writer and researcher. There is an will be some interesting and cool stuff there (I just won't be talking about rocks and setting things on fire (too much that is!). I'm planning on doing posts for the new one on Fridays (posting schedules help!). Here's a link:

Third item... Getting ready for the reunion... in addition to working on the plan for the food, I decided to see how some of the amethyst from the reunion mix would 'cook up'...

This is just after a rough tumble. I'm going to say it's coming out pretty nicely! I had plenty of good stuff to fill the medium barrel...

With leftovers!


The batch included a couple big enough to be carvers, some smalls that would be reasonable ear ring size and some pendant stones that I really don't want to have to wait the whole process time for (but I do so oh well!)

Item the fourth...
Some of you know and some of you don't that I am a convert to the church. Something fewer of you know is that part of what lead me to accept what the missionaries were teaching me was an episode of Star Trek the Animated series. What this episode provided was the idea that truth and learning was spread out through out the world, but no one had all the truth, no one had put the pieces together. I came to the conclusion that this also applied to the Christian religion, everyone had parts but no one had the whole of it. I chewed on this idea for a couple years, then I met some friends who introduced me to the missionaries. It was at that time I first heard the story of Joseph Smith. In that discussion I received confirmation that I was right, parts of the truth had been spread through out the earth; however, I was also wrong! Someone else (many someones really, but one in particular) had been looking for that whole truth and was told, as I believed, that none of the factions of his day had the whole truth. That someone, Joseph Smith, had the privileged to be the first modern prophet of God, the first prophet of the restored church of Jesus Christ on the earth. Thanks to him and the prophets and apostles that have come after the church has been restored in our day with all the pieces Heavenly Father sees fit to give us, in the proper place.

Now why did I bring this up?
1: I think it's kinda important!
2: Hulu has recently picked up Star Trek the Animated Series. So, for the first time since 1987 I got to watch the episode! (I'm including a link because it did not want to embed in the blog : (

Well, that's it for today...
Already have at least one cool item for next week (two actually). And there's one more that I want to do for next week, but there's only one problem... for weeks I've been wanting rain, and now I need it to stop raining!

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