I finally get vacations...
Thursday and Friday were the days for Lisa's conference in Boise so I went along and for two days (not counting parts of Wednesday and Saturday...) I was able to relax get away from this whole publishing and marketing end of the writer thing...
But maybe I don't...
When it comes to the actual writing part of being a writer I got more done on my two vacation days than I would in three days at "work"...
The writey wordy stuff...
As of today I'm back hard at it. I shoot the video for the Kickstarter tomorrow, I finished a short story that I started on the trip and I dug up a couple thousand pages of research for another book I've got in the works.
I am very much looking forward to the day that I can send the shirt and tie people part of writing (marketing and such) back to what ever _ _ ll it comes from and get back to just hardball writing (until the next one is ready to be shoved out the door and then I'm write back here (pun intended (Hey... I have to suffer, everybody suffers!)))
On other fronts Lisa is pushing closer and closer to proposing her dissertation. Then she gets to deal with the human subjects committee AKA "the murder board" (whether that's a statement about how I feel about them or what they do to projects is up for debate...). And then she can do the actual gather data part of the research...
Lisa is also gearing up for her double conference trip at the beginning of November.
I'm not going on that one because of costs and my NANOWRIMO project. That would be a novel of no less than 50,000 words in one month. Since I don't intentionally write on Sundays that would be 1923.08 words per day for a whole month... (remember that hardball writing I was talking about). And that's not counting blog posts, emails, or any of the other wordy stuff I have to do.
The shiny pretty stuff...
Writing isn't all that's going on...
The first shipment of stuff on my business account got here today. Now I have to build the stuff and figure out a better storage system (so I can keep the business shiny and the personal shiny separate better...). Some of this is for things for the ETSY store we're opening and some is for the Kickstarter (more about that in a week or so...)
This also happened...
We broke down and bought the half a hog bundle as part of a local grocery stores case lot sale... 50 pounds of pork... How much meat to we have? I have no idea I lost count around 45 meals... (and that's not counting the pork stock we will be making with the bones...)
Woodn't you know (pun intended again...)
Naturally we stopped at one of our usual rock connections in Boise...
And part of Arizona came home with us... Apparently the tumbler is going to be back in operation soon...
And of course Lisa got into the act...
With a nice little piece of jade.
The biggest over all piece is mine (and onyx)...
But that's because I have a plan for it that involves making something for Lisa (to be seen later).
Annnd we'll end where we began...
With petrified wood... and me wondering whether I get this vacation thing or not...
That's it for today. Till next time...
Life is like a box of chocolates...
You'd have a pretty good idea what your going to get if you'd only read!
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